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Talented athletes who are drop dead gorgeous? Head to Argentina! Source: Pinterest 11. Takeshi Kaneshiro here is a good example. JapanĬharming eyes and beautiful hair are the characteristics of these cute Japanese men. If his example is anything to go by, Norwegian men are so damn hot! Source: The Fashionisto 13. Nikolaj coster Waldau has been setting a lot of hearts on fire. Have you seen Mats Hummels on the field? Source: Tumblr 14. The good looking Germans on the field make football fans out of haters. Ice hockey goaltender Henrik Lundqvist is a case in point. The Scandinavian countries has a lot to boast for and good-looking men is not the last on their list. Philippinesĭistinct features and beautiful tans make women fall for Filipinos. Take the model Alexandre Cunhe for example : Source: Model Diary 17. Intense looks and athletic frames make Brazilian men extremely desirable. After making their users vote, they compiled a list of the countries which have the sexiest men. A casual search on the Internet will produce several such polls ranking countries which the participants deem to have the sexiest men.Ī site, Top Tens, tried to determine which country's men do women love the most. Disclaimer : 'Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder'.

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